Friday, July 11, 2008

And A Couple More Funny Pics....

Just some random funny pics. These are what we get when we ask the boys to pose for a photography shoot. Reed couldn't be bothered to put his ice cream down when we asked, so we had to just shoot what we could. He thought that was hilarious.

They Always Want to Be Bigger

As both boys get older, I've come to realize they are so different, but similar at the same that possible? Mason has always been the quiet one that wants to please us, and then there's Reed....where do I begin? Let's just say he's the complete opposite of Mason. But one thing is for sure...he wants to be exactly like his big brother. I've caught several pics of him watching Mason and then doing the exact same thing. If Mason is swinging, Reed needs to swing.

If Mason is in the bubble bath up to his eyeballs, Reed needs to be in the bubble bath up to his eyeballs...only to find out it wasn't as fun as Mason made it seem.

Mason takes the entire house with him if we head to the beach and you can see that Reed is following closely in those footsteps (I think he has his binky, zerbert, duck, sunglasses, and backpack in that pic).

And because of Mason, Reed insists on wearing flip flops even though he can't keep them on.
If Mason is squirting somebody with water, Reed needs to squirt somebody with water. And if
Mason is squirting HIMSELF with water, you guessed it. Here are several pics that capture what we've been doing lately.

So, who does Mason want to be just like? Daddy, of course! He got to go fishing with Daddy and was DYING to get in the water and snorkel...he wore his gear almost the entire time we were on the boat. And then Daddy caught his favorite kind of shark...yes, I said shark...a hammerhead (it was actually a bonnethead, but who cares). So, once again, Daddy's the hero!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Reed Wii Bowling - Monkey See Monkey Do

Don't tell Reed there are no batteries in his remote....he figured out how to get the pins to fall. Check the video after the break!